Category: Articles

I Am a Writing Therapist

Sometimes someone gives us the wrong feedback. Sometimes they point us in the wrong direction. Sometimes it’s the wrong feedback at the wrong time. Sometimes they are rushing. Sometimes it’s a projection on their part. Sometimes they don’t see us…

Relationship Cartography

In a time of stuckness in a relationship, the way out will come in the form of a map. The good news is, no matter how stuck we feel, we have power. We are in charge. We can look inside…

I Am A Swiss Army Knife…

Can I help you? Which one of my tools shall we use? What I do: Writing, Editing, Consulting, and Coaching. Some examples of how I might assist you include: Public Relations & Marketing Consulting for Artists, Arts Organizations, and Creativity-focused…

WTF @ Solo Showdown

I took a class and wrote a comedic monologue about being married to a transitioning man-to-woman. Because that’s how I process. Here it is: